jb supply high quality Snap-in Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor, which are highly effective and durable. jb JNE used in industrial welding machines, variable frequency speed controller, servo control, switching power supply, PC machine power supplies, industrial power supplies and other DC and pulsating circuits.
Load life of 2000 hours at 105°C
High ripple current, Smaller size, PCB Mounting
Operating Temperature Range (°C): -40℃~+105℃ (16V~100V); -25℃~+105℃(160V~600V)
If you want to know more information about jb JNE, please see:
We sincerely invite you to know more about jb Capacitors Company.
jb blog 1: www.jbcapacitors.hk
jb blog 2: www.filmcap.hk
jb Website: www.jbcapacitors.com