Due to different characteristics, Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors can be divided to Standard, Ultra-low ESR, Higher Capacitance, Long Life Assurance, High Voltage/Long Life Assurance, High Voltage/High Reliability series.
We provide three types of Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors.
You know that jb always have products with really competitive price. Also, the quality is still great and the lead time is even only 4 weeks.
PSS - 2000H at 105°C Standard Low ESR Radial Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors
PSR - 2000H at 105°C Super Low ESR Radial Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors
JCP - SMD Polymer Aluminum Solid Electrolytic Capacitors
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